Why choose between passion and protection?
Talking about STIs, asking if someone is on the pill or interrupting a steamy moment to grab a condom is usually seen as “unsexy”.
But it couldn’t be further from the truth!
Embracing safe sex is sexy.
They allow you to be fully immersed in pleasure with your partner and without worry.
So, let’s start with learning about pleasure.
The joy of orgasms
Orgasms aren’t just fun; they come with a host of health benefits for your mind and mood.
So, let’s reap those benefits and make orgasms an essential part of your wellness routine!
Stress relief - The release of endorphins during climax helps reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), leaving your body relaxed and at ease.
Improved sleep - The rush of oxytocin and prolactin post-climax makes you feel relaxed and sleepy, making it easier to fall asleep!
Pain relief - The endorphins released during orgasms can act as natural painkillers.
Boosted mood - Orgasms trigger dopamine release, making you happy and feeling good!
Enhanced connection - Orgasms can deepen your emotional bond with your partner. The surge of oxytocin creates feelings of closeness and affection.
Improve your overall health with orgasms
Orgasms are more than just immediate pleasure that boosts the brain. They also have long-term health benefits too!
Cardiovascular health - Regular orgasms are great for your heart; sex boosts your heart rate, improving circulation and heart health!
Boosts immune system - The increased production of immunoglobulin A helps fend off colds and other infections!
Pelvic floor strength - The muscle contractions during an orgasm work out your pelvic floor muscles, which can improve bladder control and reduce pelvic floor dysfunction.

Next up: Prevention
Let’s talk about protection.
Staying healthy and safe does not mean you can’t have pleasure.
Here’s how to balance pleasure and prevention.
Safe Sex Practises
Safe sex is sexy! Using condoms, contraceptives, PrEP and dental dams can protect against STIs and unwanted pregnancies.
Remember to take your pills by setting alarms on your phone, and stock up on condoms and dental dams! (Remember to check the expiration date if it's been a while!)
Regular Checkups
Making sure you are getting vaccinations, STI screenings, and regular checkups is a must.
Whether you’re trying to get on birth control, want the HPV vaccine, or are interested in starting PrEP, it’s good to be informed and know your options.
Consent and Communication
Open communication and consent are crucial for preventing any mishaps or misunderstandings.
Make sure you are discussing boundaries, desires and safety measures with your partner before sex.
Combining the two
Keep things hot and healthy by using fun protection, staying on top of STI screenings, and communicating openly with your partner.
Integrating Barriers Without Losing the Mood
Incorporating condoms, dental dams and other preventatives doesn’t have to be a mood killer.
Keep condoms close by so you can easily access them when things get hot.
Choose flavoured or textured condoms together to keep the mood light and playful.
Let your partner take charge of applying protection; it’s always more fun when you don’t do it yourself.
Normalising STI Screenings
Make STI screenings a regular part of your health routine. You can schedule them with a partner, staying informed about each other’s health status and celebrating the good news!
Be Transparent
Regularly update your partners about your health status. This can be through a call, group chat or a simple text - “All clean 🎉”
Busting myths
STIs can't be transmitted through oral sex.
This is a common misconception. STIs can be transmitted through oral sex; using condoms and dental dams can help reduce this risk.
I don’t need health screenings in a long-term relationship
Even in long-term, monogamous relationships, regular health screenings are essential. It’s important to stay informed and ensure both partners remain healthy.
Wrapping up
Combining pleasure with prevention is the key to a healthy and satisfying sex life.
Remember the importance of orgasms and the role of safe sex practices for your overall well-being.
Stay safe, stay informed, and most importantly, stay sexy!