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    • CB-6000S Chrome Chastity Device (6.35 cm) var 1
    • CB-6000S Chrome Chastity Device (6.35 cm) 1

    CB-6000S Chrome Chastity Device (6.35 cm)



    The CB-6000S Chrome is a high-quality chrome version of the popular CB-6000S Chastity Device for Men, which won the "Best Niche Product of the Year" Xbiz Award in 2013. Many people consider the CB-6000S Chrome and other chastity devices from the same series to be the best on the market.

    CB-6000S Chrome is 6.35 cm in length and has an internal diameter of 3.5 cm, which makes it somewhat smaller than the original CB-6000 also available at If you want a chastity device in a larger version, check out the CB-3000 (7.6 cm), CB-6000 (8.25 cm) or The Curve Chastity Device (9.5 cm).

    The chastity device is made from hard plastic, which makes it extremely durable and lightweight. CB-6000S comes with different accessories that make it possible to adjust the belt so that it fits you perfectly. 

    How to use the CB-6000S Chastity Device: - Put the desired ring over your penis and testicles. - Put the top ring piece on the ring with the lock pins. - Put the spacer on the lock pin. Then insert your penis in the cage and lock it with the padlock (alternatively you can use the plastic locks). - Tip! Rub some lube on your penis to make insertion more comfortable.

    Included: Besides the CB-6000S Chrome penis cage itself, you get 5 rings of different sizes (+ 1 top ring), 4 spacers and lock pins of different sizes, metal padlock with key, 5 plastic locks with individual numbers and a discreet, black storage pouch.

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