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    • Ovo F10 Dildo Vibrator var 1
    • Ovo F10 Dildo Vibrator 1

    Ovo F10 Dildo Vibrator



    If you appreciate a simple, beautifully designed but effective dildo vibrator, then the Ovo F10 might just be what you're looking for. And it is precisely that design that won the F10 the Red Dot Design Award.

    F10 is made from a sturdy material that makes sure you can enjoy targeted stimulation with 5 different vibration patterns You can take your F10 with when showering , although remember the bath is out of bounds. 

    To switch on and off, press the bottom button down for 3 seconds. Then with a quick press of the button you can shift between vibrations. 

    Ovo is manufactured in Germany, and the manufacturer offers a 15 year guarantee on the product, read more on the packaging.  

    Note! The Ovo F10 Dildo Vibrator uses 2x AAA batteries, sold separately. 

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